Transparency and Truth: 11 Logical Tips to Encourage Proactive Discourse.
Actions to reinvigorate the soul and help our communities.
It is difficult to process feelings of frustration when you feel your rights are slowly diminishing. Nations continue to bicker, and the divisiveness is apparent, with increasing vitriol, violence and anger being projected towards free thinking citizens who are not in alignment with certain values or current schools of thought.
Recently, I was bluntly informed by a friend that she “can’t discuss this stupid topic anymore” and that the “conversation will stop if we continue any further”. I was discussing an alternative viewpoint on a situation in her state. It appears even our country is being deluged by the scourge of discordance.
I’ve always loved a juicy debate; it’s a wonderful activity to share tidbits of information and integrate various ideologies.
Where has ‘let’s agree to disagree’ gone? A genuine smile, a good humoured nudge and no malevolence to scar the verbal interchange.
I will admit, this conversation felt like blast of icy air: an ominous precursor to what lies in store if we don’t comply and self-monitor our verbal approaches. Freedom of speech has always been something we take for granted.
In the last six months, I have been confounded at the amount of disinformation, censorship and questionable actions that have penetrated the core of our very quintessence. It is causing the great divide.
We can’t escape. We are told what to do, what to say, what not to say, and if we step out of line then we lose our livelihoods — and our friends.
“Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice.”
― Henry Louis Gates Jr
I have witnessed opinions cited as hate speech. I have listened to hate speech extolled for the greater good; I am sensing the lines becoming blurred between what is humane and what is destructive to the future of our global community.
It is our prerogative to support free speech and expression. It’s time to address our implicit bias and not believe every thought that unconsciously arises amid the daily tsunami of tailored information.
We are adults; we honour sovereignty; we all have the ability to think for ourselves. Vilifying others who differ in their world view will only inflame and incite further unrest.
Does the global community need to revert to draconian methods of control?
Absolutely not!
We have choices. We have rights. We need to stop witch-hunts and using innocent people as pawns for a much larger agenda.
It is reprehensible that businesses are left destitute for speaking out and supporting their ‘perceived’ truth — anybody expressing hateful sentiments deserves the consequences of censorship, however, in my humble opinion, innocent, well-meaning people did not deserve this radical severance.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
― United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Incendiary speech and fallacy is prevelant across all mediums today, just turn on the news — yet only certain small fragments of society have the right to speak their truth.
This isn’t how it is supposed to be.
Whilst certain events in the world do not directly impact me, I continue observing in horror as law-abiding citizens transform into unconscionable anarchists. People are angry, understandably. Lost and without any guidance on what to believe and who to trust, many global communities are reeling from a year of absolute chaos.
Riots and looting seem to be a regular addition to daily life and it seems we are becoming de-sensitized to the agony we are witnessing from the pandemic and the heartless cruelty of segregated groups. I do not need to elaborate here.
The oligarchs are on their thrones and everyday citizens are replacing rats in cages.
I’m a realist, yet I am optimistic that humanity [and humaneness]will prevail in the long term. We are just a blip on a timeline that will continue with or without our cooperation. The universe will always be infinite and mysterious, our planet will heal and we will be the forgotten archaeological treasures for the next species who inhabit the planet.
So what is our next move? Where can we take our personal power back? People who check facts are labelled conspiracy theorists; individuals who continue to go along with current consensus risk losing rights to express freely and protect loved ones from future harm.
Being dumbed down to a mere pawn in a celebrity type ‘hunger games’ scenario without being able to access all standpoints of discourse isn’t my idea of a utopian society no matter how much it is purported to be ‘in our best interests’. It certainly is a quagmire.
We are in the age of free speech cognitive dissonance.
We live in the most exciting, yet unpredictable era. Information is at our fingertips, yet truth seems elusive. We are challenged by addictions, mental health issues and a decreasing ability to self soothe without the use of external stimulation and devices.
I respect everybody’s right to their opinion and whether I disagree or am in acqueisence with a particular viewpoint, it does not diminish my respect for the other person. Having a contrasting opinion is what makes us unique.
We simply must encourage lively discourse and respect alternative viewpoints.
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington
It is evident that history has a habit of repeating itself. The writing is on the wall. We need acceptance, support and compassion more than ever now.
Humans are the superior race. We know we have deviated. Our planet continues to die; over half our species are extinct, our water is contaminated, and we have 35% left of our beautiful forests remaining.
We all deserve the right to stand up and protest respectfully when we see damage occurring in our beloved global community; the right to protest at deforestation or a cause close to our heart.
Let me be clear; I have never, nor will I ever condone violence in any way.
We require access to honest and transparent information. We have fought for centuries to improve our lot. It would be ridiculous to whittle away our gains because of a false sense of pride that separates us from our brothers and sisters.
It is our responsibility to implement proactive steps in life to ensure the freedom and continuation of generations to come.
Why not try a few of these random acts of kindness and avert segregation.
Plant seeds of kindness. See the light of the soul, not the darkness.
Help that neighbour you’ve been watching as they struggle through life.
Ask your friends if they’re ok. Appreciate their contrasting opinions.
Be a beacon of light, even if you feel oppressed; hope breeds harmony.
Listen more, speak less. Understanding is love in action.
Speak only with compassionate conviction to alleviate the suffering of others.
Stay educated on matters that have the greatest impact on our welfare.
Don’t believe everything you hear. Ask questions. Forget your ego for a day.
Volunteer in the community and open up new horizons.
Make friends with your enemies. Forgiveness heals.
Be compassionate, and remember gratitude and love will always win out!
Enjoy the challenges that are imminent. It is going to be a wild ride. Grab your popcorn and stay zen. Remember, a progressive and innovate society is created from unity and understanding. The only way to have our voices heard is to reseach, reflect and continue seeking truth, no matter how difficult it may be. Listen, respect and evaluate all outlooks. We will learn and evolve only by remaining open to debate.
Let’s make 2021 a year to remember.
Together is always better.